Grant Guidelines and Criteria

General Application Deadline Dates

Application must be postmarked on or before:

  • *NEW* May 15 (for projects proposed September 1 and later)

  • *NEW* September 15 (for projects proposed January 1 and later)

  • *NEW* January 15 (for projects proposed June 1 and later)

Applicants may apply earlier for projects for the planning of their choral season. Application forms available here.

A consultation with the FCMM Executive Director prior to preparing an application is strongly recommended.


Who is Eligible to Apply?


  • Organizations, individuals, and/or unorganized groups with a registered charitable number.

  • Individuals, unorganized groups and/or organizations that do not have a registered charitable number with Canada Revenue Agency must make their grant application with the support of an organization with a registered charitable number. Additional documentation is required. Please reach out to the FCMM Executive Director ( prior to preparing the application.

  • Must be a Canadian citizen, or satisfy the requirements for Canadian resident.

  • Must be a current member of the Manitoba Choral Association.

Ineligible Projects

Ineligible projects include but are not limited to:

  • Requests for operational funding

  • Tours

How to Apply

There will be three allocations of funds per year. Applications must be POSTMARKED by the deadline date.

Applications must include:

  • Completed Application Registration Form with original signatures. All sections must be completed and all questions answered.

  • Inclusion of audio material of past activity is recommended (does not have to be of professional broadcast quality).

  • Time line for requested payment of grant funds based on project activity. Up to 75% upon request and 25% after submission of report after completion of project.

It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the application is complete. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Where to Apply

Completed applications (forms available here) may be forwarded to the following address and must be post-marked on or before the applicable deadline date. Email applications will be accepted until 5pm on the deadline date.

Amy Wolfe, Executive Director
7 Glengarry Drive
Winnipeg MB  R3T 2J5